Pastor Shane Agee and Family

Pastor Shane Agee was born and raised in Kooskia, Idaho.  He left the area at 18 years old to pursue a career in becoming a Journeyman Lineman.  Because of the influence of Godly friends, especially his future wife Tavia, Pastor Shane came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  He worked as a lineman for nearly 15 years while serving in a local church.

Through a series of events, the Lord burdened Pastor Shane to train for the ministry in 2013.  The Agee family took a step of faith and moved to Lancaster, California to attend West Coast Baptist College.  Upon graduation in 2017, he served for 2 years as Associate Pastor of Tucson Baptist Church in Tucson, Arizona.  He became the Senior Pastor of Solid Rock Baptist Church in August, 2019.

Pastor Shane and Tavia have been married for 20 years and are thankful for their four children:  Gracynn, Sawyer, Tolsen, and Dawson.  They enjoy serving the Lord, fellowshipping with our church family, spending time together outdoors, camping, and making family memories.

The Agee family would love to invite you to visit Solid Rock Baptist Church so that they might get to know you on a personal level.

Kit Perez

Kit Perez grew up in the beautiful Wisconsin Northwoods as the oldest of seven children. Even though she was raised in a Christian home, she didn’t truly choose to follow Christ herself until much later.

She is an Air Force veteran and former first responder, and in addition to trauma counseling, Kit also manages the church’s disaster planning and response. With a bachelor’s in counterintelligence and a master’s in intelligence studies that focused on criminal intelligence, Kit is also certified in Statement Analysis and trained in LSI Scientific Content Analysis interrogation. Her original career path was criminal behavioral profiling, but after experiencing deep personal healing from her own past trauma, she felt God calling her to transition into trauma counseling. She pursued additional education, earning an MA in Human Services Counseling with a specialization in Trauma and Crisis Intervention from Liberty University, along with a graduate certificate in Traumatic Stress Studies from the Trauma Research Foundation. She has also completed Clinical Trauma Therapy Professional (CCTP) training.

Kit’s counseling approach integrates both Biblical principles and psychological concepts, with the Bible as the foundation of her practice. She believes that God’s Word provides the ultimate truth and guidance for healing, while insights and therapeutic practices from psychology can offer valuable tools to support that process. This integrated approach allows her to address the whole person—-spiritually, mentally, and emotionally—-while ensuring that Biblical truth always takes precedence.

Kit and her husband Eric have been married for 10 years. They have a blended family that includes son Alex and daughter Anuhea, along with two precious children in heaven, Hunter Michael and Zion Micaiah. Together, they enjoy camping, kayaking, and homesteading on their small farm, working towards a completely sustainable life as stewards of God’s blessings.